Mardanova Zilola, Teacher at Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Tashkent city, Uzbekistan.


  • Mardanova Zilola TerDU


ability, critical thinking, reading comprehension, strategy, Question Answer Relationship (QAR) strategy, instruction, cognitive skills.


Students studying English as a Foreign Language (EFL) need to be able to comprehend English text and think critically during the learning process. However, it is a common phenomenon among teachers in the teaching and learning process that these two essential abilities continue to be problems for students. In fact, using an inappropriate teaching strategy is one of the primary causes of the problems. The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the Question Answer Relationship (QAR) Strategy by addressing three research questions. The QAR strategy was used during regular reading sessions for a insert duration in both experimental and control groups. As a result, the strategy has significantly improved students’ reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.


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