Tilavova Matlab Mukhamedovna, Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute Associate Professor of the Department of Primary Education, Ph.D., Radjabova Lobar Chorievna, Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute Lecturer at the Department of Primary Education


  • Tilavova Matlab Mukhamedovna, Radjabova Lobar Chorievna, TerDU


STEAM, practical work, robotics, LEGO, technology, method, primary education, creativity, abilities


Today, the fourth technological revolution is taking place in the world; rapid information flows, high-tech innovations and developments are changing almost all areas and directions of our lives. For example, in decrees and laws aimed at improving the quality of education in our republic, advanced foreign experience in the public education system, the introduction of modern pedagogical technologies into the educational process, in particular, the introduction of modern and innovative teaching methods. the introduction of new generations of educational and educational literature, textbooks and the conduct of applied scientific research have been determined. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 5, 2018 No. PD-3931 “On the program of measures to further improve the public education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2018-2021” sets the task of improving the quality of education and establishes the introduction of innovative educational technologies. According to him, it is planned to gradually introduce and improve new state educational standards and curricula for general secondary education, including the STEAM method, based on best international experience.
The improvement of new state educational standards and curricula for general secondary education and at the same time the gradual introduction of STEAM methods have also been determined. At the same time, the demands of society and the interests of the individual change accordingly. Today, students are increasingly interested in robotics, 3D design, modeling and programming. The article talks about methods of using the STEAM approach in organizing practical work in technology lessons in elementary school.


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