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International Scientific and Methodological Journal of Education and Innovation Research
No. 8 (2022)Issue №8 2022 (August). International Scientific and Methodological Journal of Education and Innovation Research
DOI 10.53885/edinres.2022.42.64.001 -
Education and innovative research
No. 7 (2022)Issue № 7 2022 (July). International Scientific and Methodological Journal of Education and Innovation Research
DOI 10.53885/edinres.2022.96.33.001 -
Education and innovative research
No. 6 (2022)June 2022 (N 6) issue of the International Scientific-Methodological Journal of Education and Innovative Research
DOI 10.53885/edinres.2022.28.51.001 -
Education and innovative research
No. 2-Махсус сон (2021)
This special issue of the journal contains scientific articles by professors and teachers of the Belarusian-Uzbek Intersectoral Institute of Applied Technical Qualifications and the Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute and is devoted to the results of their research.
Education and innovative research
No. 1-Махсус сон (2021)
Education and innovative research
No. 3 (2021)Dear author! All articles of the third issue of the magazine have a DOI number.
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