Toirova Guli Ibragimovna,Chudakova Vira Petrovna,Kuziyeva Takhmina Fakhriddinovna
Toirova Guli Ibragimovna, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Uzbek Linguistics and Journalism at Bukhara State University, Chudakova Vira Petrovna, PhD in Psychology, sciences, senior researcher: Pedagogical Institute of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine; Institute of Psychology named after G. S. Kostyuk of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of UkraineKuziyeva Takhmina Fakhriddinovna, Bukhara State University, Faculty of Philology, second-year student
abbreviation, standard abbreviation, non-standard abbreviation, accepted abbreviations, separable abbreviations, non-separable abbreviations, scientific and technical abbreviations by structureAbstract
This article analyzes the abbreviations that have passed into the Uzbek language from Russian and English and are currently widely used. Four main ways of translating abbreviations and three main directions of translation are listed. The spelling of abbreviations and hyphens is shown in the comparative table. In the process of using abbreviations borrowed from Russian and English, the idea was put forward to avoid spelling errors. According to the method of formation of abbreviations, the types of abbreviations should be analyzed by examples.
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