Shoyimova Shokhista Sanakulovna Candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor. Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute Uzbekistan, Tashkent.
doctor-teacher, socio-psychological aspects, medical education, professional activity, pedagogical training, methodological requirements, expert approaches, educational process.Abstract
The article discusses the essence of the socio-psychological concept «I am a doctor teacher», which implies the presence of certain socio-psychological qualities and skills of medical teachers working in medical universities. Studies have been conducted confirming the importance of studying the socio-psychological aspects of the professional activities of medical teachers and the development of special training programs for their development. The article also describes an experimental program of primary psychological-pedagogical and methodological training of medical teachers, which determines the appropriate modules of the content of education for the formation of a positive concept «I am a doctor- teacher». The article emphasizes that the special knowledge that a doctor-teacher should have is built in accordance with the logic of the sciences that a future teacher should master, and is a tool for regulating thinking and activity. Also, the doctor-teacher uses psychological and pedagogical knowledge to regulate his own activities, depending on the assessment of all components of the organization of the educational process. It is also important to have knowledge of various diagnostic systems and expert approaches.
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