Khajieva Iroda Adambaevna Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Uzbek Language and Social Sciences Urgench branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al- Khorezmi


  • Khajieva Iroda Adambaevna TerDU


Spiritual values, pedagogical and psychological factor, didactic support, personal culture, development strategy, information technology, testing of experience, concept.


The article deals with the pedagogical possibilities of scientific-theoretical, methodological approaches to the development of spiritual values in primary schoolchildren. Examples of scientific research by domestic and foreign scientists on the problem of spiritual and moral culture of student youth are presented. The features of the development of spiritual values among students of technical universities by structural divisions are notified. The problems of the formation of personal spirituality are justified from the point of view of pedagogy and psychology. The content of the concept of “spiritual values” is revealed and ideas about this phenomenon are analyzed from a historical and didactic point of view. The entire hierarchical value system is shown, which is important for improving the student’s personality. Also, special attention is paid to the pedagogical and psychological foundations and factors for improving didactic support for the development of spiritual values among students of technical universities. The stages of development of spiritual values, as well as tasks and activities are shown in table form. The need to use innovative technologies as a means of teaching students of technical universities has been scientifically investigated. The pedagogical and psychological features of explaining spiritual and moral values to students studying in the field of technology are analyzed. Examples from some scientific studies are given.


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